Close cooperation between the physician and the psychotherapist in the Personality Disorders Treatment Department
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2012, Vol 46, Issue 5
Two authors – the doctor and the psychologist describe the practical aspects of cooperation between the psychiatrist and psychotherapist who take part in the treatment of personality disorder patients. The first part of the paper presents a brief description of the Personality Disorder Treatment Department of Józef Babiński Hospital in Kraków. The next part of the paper presents three cases of patients who were treated in that Department. The case of Mr. A shows what kind of meaning can be ascribed to the medications. The next two cases show how the doctors and the process of treatment itself, can be overused by the patients. Mrs. B takes the treatment up mainly to be recognised as a sick and disabled person. She appears as a person who does not want to be cured. Withthe case of Mrs. C, the authors show how different somatic problems may protect a person against going through difficult emotions. In the summary, the authors point out the importance of the very close cooperation between all professionals who are involved in the treatment of patients with mental disorders. Such cooperation helps to gain a better understanding of these patients and it could give better results of psychotherapy as well as pharmacotherapy.
Authors and Affiliations
Aleksandra Wieczorek, Katarzyna Synówka
Poznawcza podatność na depresję
Polish Psychiatric Association' Board report on years 2007-2010
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