Cloud Computing and its Applications in Academic Library


Cloud Computing is a new concept of network based Computing method. It is used to share resources and services. The cloud computing models prompts powerful distribution of capabilities. It is now used in the libraries also. This article explains the conceptual framework of cloud computing, services, benefits and its applications in libraries. With cloud computing library services can have a new road and in future it will become effective, user centric and more beneficial for Library.

Authors and Affiliations

Hirak Jyoti Hazarika,


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  • EP ID EP268451
  • DOI 10.24321/2395.2288.201705
  • Views 145
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How To Cite

Hirak Jyoti Hazarika, (2017). Cloud Computing and its Applications in Academic Library. Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science, 4(4), 1-5.