CO2 laser treatment of rhinophyma
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 5
Treatment of the advanced form of rhinophyma causing severe nasal deformity and nasal breathing impairment is reserved mainly for surgical methods. Laser techniques among them play particular role. The aim of the study was to present short series of patients suffering from severe form of rhinophyma, who were treated with CO2 laser, emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages of the method used. Material and method: Three male patients, aged 51–69, with advanced form of rhinophyma were treated in our clinic with CO2 laser. The total removal of pathologic tissue was performed during 2–3 sessions of laser therapy with an interval 4–8 weeks in-between. Results. The follow-up ranged from 4–12 months. Satisfactory cosmetic and functional result was achieved in all patients. Full reepithelization of the wound took place within 4–6 weeks. Intensive bleeding from dilated vessels during the procedure that required bipolar electrocautery occurred in two cases. There were no postoperative complication in the studied group. Conclusions. The CO2 laser is relatively save and precise surgical tool for rhinophyma ablation. If the resection is not to aggressive, healing process is quick and without excessive scaring. Unfortunately the “dry field” conditions are not always possible to achieve during operation, due to limited coagulative properties of the CO2 laser towards dilated blood vessels. In advanced stages of rhinophyma to increase safety of the procedure, several sessions of the laser therapy might be necessary to remove all the hypertrophic tissue.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Olszewska, Andrzej Sieśkiewicz, Jarosław Łuczaj, Izabela Walenczak, Marek Rogowski
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