Commentary on the fifth part of “Dental Clinical Guidance. Prevention and treatment of dental caries in children”
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2012, Vol 65, Issue 5
The commentary on the last part of “Dental Clinical Guidance. Prevention and treatment of dental caries in children” emphasizes the necessity of following the rules of directing a child to a consultation or medical treatment, as well as the importance of the use of the presented control list. The commentary relates also to the recommendations concerning the frequency of dental check-ups of a child and to the elements of the control assessment of a child’s condition. There has also been a commentary on a Scottish procedure concerning the organization of a dental team’s help for the children whose condition of oral cavity has been neglected, and on the obligation to inform proper institutions about any suspicion of neglect or abuse. The commentary additionally contains basic information about the symptoms suggesting physical or mental abuse in a family. It also informs about the existence of an organization called: Polish Nationwide Emergency Service for Victims Of Domestic Violence Blue Line, and mentions a Scottish web of pediatric dental care which is being created, its organizational structure and its role. The commentary is finished with the information about a publication of the Scottish guidance in a form of a monograph.
Authors and Affiliations
Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk
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