Commonly used pesticides in agriculture of Warangal District-Telangana and their consequences on the growth of Vesicular and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi with reference to the DNA and Protein Content


In this paper we described the hazardous affects of the four common pesticides Captain, Bavestin, Endosulfan, Dicofol on VAM growth with reference to DNA ratio and protein content. Initially, we isolated VAM spores from farm lands and inoculated in to sterilized soil that contain selected plant seeds. The tests were performed to isolate the VAM and to determine the DNA ratio and protein quantity. The highest number of VAM spores are noticed from BAV-I sample pot are 187. The DNA ratio at 260/280 was found significant with VAM isolated from DIC-I 72ng. In our investigation we identified two different genus of VAM are Glomus and Gigaspora. The highest protein content 82.6 was recorded with VAM samples of CAP-I and II. Keyword: Glomus , Gigaspora Captain, Bavestin, Endosulfan, Dicofol.

Authors and Affiliations

Epur Manoj Kumar Reddy, Murali Krishna Thupurani, Rajender Vadluri, B. S Anuradha


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Epur Manoj Kumar Reddy, Murali Krishna Thupurani, Rajender Vadluri, B. S Anuradha (2016). Commonly used pesticides in agriculture of Warangal District-Telangana and their consequences on the growth of Vesicular and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi with reference to the DNA and Protein Content. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 4(10), -.