Comparative analysis of coronary angioplasty delays


According to the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology (2012), the time elapsing between the patient’s arrival at hospital or their contact with a health care facility and the filling of the balloon should not exceed 90 minutes for primary PCI (60 minutes when the patient goes to hospital within 120 minutes of the onset of symptoms or hits directly to the hospital where PCI is performed). The aim. the aim of the study is to analyze the emptying of coronary angioplasty in patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. Material and methods. 423 patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction were included in the study. Patient delays (time elapsing between the occurrence of pain and provision of help) and system delays (time elapsing to call for hospitalization and time elapsing to hospitalization for PCI) were analyzed. Results. in 2007, angioplasty was performed 3 – 6 hours after the onset of pain, in 2016, within 3-6 hours (29%). in 2007 the highest number of STEMI patients (104 patients (36.9%)) called for help within one hour of stenocardial pain; in 2016, 35 people (24.8%) called during the first hour after the onset of pain. in the STEMI group, the highest number of patients were brought to hospital within 1– 2 hours after the call for help – 110 patients (39.0%). in 2016 the largest number of patients were hospitalized for <1 hour (41.1%). in 2007 the largest number of patients with STEMI were operated on within 1– 2 hours of arrival at hospital. in 2016 coronary angioplasty was performed most often within 1– 2 hours following the patients’ hospitalization (43.2%). Conclusions. 1. the delays in the time elapsing from the occurrence of pain to performance of PCI were similar in both groups. 2. Minor delays in the time elapsing from the onset of pain to the call for help occurred in patients in 2007. 3. Minor delays in the time elapsing from calling for help to hospitalization occurred in patients in 2016. 4. the delays in the time elapsing from hospitalization to PCI were similar in both groups. Despite the shortening of transport time in 2016, there was no shortening of the overall time elapsing between the occurrence of pain and the performance of PCI, due to the increase in the delay occurring between the time elapsing from the onset of pain to calling for help.

Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Bujnowska


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How To Cite

Małgorzata Bujnowska (2019). Comparative analysis of coronary angioplasty delays. Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. Witelona w Legnicy, 0(31), 86-100.