Comparative analysis of genetic structure of a micro-population of gray Ukrainian breed cattle by DNA markers
Journal Title: Біологія тварин - Year 2016, Vol 18, Issue 1
The use of advances in genetics in cattle breeding from identification to parentage determination significantly improves its efficiency. The genotyping of animals by means of microsatellite loci is mandatory for recognition of animals as breeding. The aim of our study was the analysis of genetic resources of cattle of Gray Ukrainian breed by means of microsatellite loci of DNA. To achieve this aim we used 2 microsatellite loci — BM2113 and TGLA 227. The material for the research was cattle of Gray Ukrainian breed from two households — “Golosiyevo” (Brovary district, Kyiv region) and “Voronkiv” (Boryspil district, Kyiv region). Genetic analysis of cattle belonging to “Voronkiv” was conducted in the Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products. Genetic analysis of cattle belonging to “Golosiyevo” was conducted in the State scientific institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Livestock of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences”. As a result of conducted studies of two herds of cattle sufficiently high level of polymorphism was identified. In cattle belonging “Voronkiv” higher level of polymorphism with locus TGLA227 was observed. All studied animals of this household with locus TGLA227 were heterozygotes. It showed the value of observed heterozygosity. The deficiency of heterozygous genotypes (2,5 %) was identified in the herd of “Golosiyevo”. On the contrary, in cattle belonging “Voronkiv” there was an excess of heterozygous genotypes (17,7 %). The future genetic analysis of cattle of Gray Ukrainian breed by means of more microsatellite loci is perspective.
Authors and Affiliations
Y. Huzeyev, O. Melnyk, V. Spyrydonov, S. Melnychuk
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