Comparative Study of Blood Sugars, Lipid Profile, in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and its Correlation to Ischemic Heart Disease
Journal Title: Indian Journal of Emergency Medicine - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1
Introduction: India has nearly 33 million diabetic subjects. Indians have a genetic phenotype characterized by low BMI, high upper body adiposity, high body fat percent, and high levels of insulin resistance. In CUPS (Chennai Urban Population study), the prevalence of CAD was high among diabetics (21.4%, compared to 14.9% among patients with IGT and 9.1% among patients with normal glucose tolerance). Methodology: A total of 80 patients were included in the study based on the inclusion criteria as mention above. The data was collected in a predesigned proforma by questionnaire method, physical examination and lab investigation. Results: There were 16 patients [40%] with their blood sugars in between 201 to 300mg/dl as compared to 6 patients [15%] in the control group. Another 7 patients [17.5%] had blood sugars more than 300mg/dl as compared to 2 patients [5%] in the control group. Conclusion: Dyslipidemia also was more common in the IHD group, suggesting that a aggressive treatment of dyslipidemia initially may be beneficial in the long run
Authors and Affiliations
Kalavathi G. P
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