Comparative Study of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Sputum Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Category I and II RNTCP Regimens
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 2
The present study was conducted to determine the impairment of glucose tolerance in sputum positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients under category I and II regimens. The study comprised of 100 sputum smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients grouped under category I and II based on the previous history of tuberculosis and intake of ATT. Patients were subjected to Oral Glucose Tolerance Test as per WHO guidelines. Patients were classified as having impaired glucose tolerance or Diabetes mellitus based on ADA guidelines. The study revealed that most of the cases were aged between 41-50 years with majority of the patients being males (70%). Most of the patients were underweight(BMI <18.5) as compared to controls. The study revealed that 4 patients (8%) had diabetes mellitus. The impairment of glucose tolerance was evident in both categories with a statistical significance (p<0.001). There is a high degree of association between impaired glucose tolerance and tuberculosis. Universal screening for diabetes mellitus among people with tuberculosis is recommended. Detection of impaired glucose tolerance in TB patients and timely intervention may reduce the risk of potential effects of the deadly duo.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. S. S. Antin. M. D, Dr Mohan Kashinkunti, Dr. Sowmya. T. V, Dr Dhananjaya M, Dr Shruthi. Alevoor
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