Comparison of carbon monoxide poisonings originated from coal stove and natural gas and the evaluation of Neutrophil/Lymphocyte ratio
Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2015, Vol 42, Issue 3
Objective: The aim of our study is to present the epidemiologic, clinical, laboratory and prognosis differences between the coal stove origin poisoning and natural gas leakages. We also aimed to investigate relationship between the severity of clinical picture, prognosis, complications develop in CO poisoning with neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) at the initial admission. Methods: All the acute carbon monoxide cases who applied to Ankara Training and Research Hospital Emergency Medicine Clinic between October 2009 and April 2010 were included to this prospective study. CO poisoning diagnosis was made by the history of CO poisoning with carboxyl hemoglobin (COHb) concentration is over 10%. 100 patients were included to our study. Results: Of the patients, 55(55%) were poisoned from the coal-stove and 45(45%) from natural gas leakage. The mean COHb level of the natural gas group was significantly high (p=0.01). The mean value of GCS of the natural gas group was significantly lower (p=0.018). The number of patients with indication for HBO therapy were 17 and 6 in the natural gas group and coal-stove group, respectively, being significantly higher in the natural gas group(p=0.001). There was no statistically significant relationship between the value of NLR and values of COHb, troponin, and GCS (p=0.872, p=0.470, and p=0.896, respectively). Conclusions: Carbon monoxide poisoning from natural gas leakage is more toxic than that from the coal-stove. There is no relationship between NLR at the time of presentation and the severity of clinical findings, prognosis and complications. Key words: Carbon monoxide poisoning, coal-stove; natural gas, Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio
Authors and Affiliations
Yahya Günaydın, Kubilay Vural, Mehtap Ok, Yavuz Katırcı, Dilber Kocaşaban, Figen Coşkun
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