Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 26, Issue 74


Study aim: The aim of the study is to compare the level of selected motor skills of candidates for the High School of Sports Championship (LO ZSMS) in Zakopane, representitives of different winter sports (biathlon, speed-skating, cross-country skiing and alpine competitions). The following research questions were put forward: 1. Do the studied groups, representing individual winter sports disciplines, differ from each other in terms of somatic build? 2. How does the differentiation of energy-based ability levels (strength, speed and endurance) develop among the groups, and do the female representatives of the various disciplines achieve the best results in terms of their leading motor skill? 3. Is the nature of the sport discipline reflected in the diversity of the level of coordination abilities in the studied female athletes? Basic procedures: The study involved 74 girls, candidates for LO ZSMS Zakopane representing: biathlon, speed-skating, cross-country skiing and alpine competitions. Based on trails from the Eurofit battery of tests and the International Physical Fitness Test, the level of energy-based motor ability was determined (strength, speed and endurance). Coordination capacity, i.e.: time-spatial orientation, motor reaction speed and balance were determined using apparatus based tests. Before beginning measurements, we evaluated the basic anthropological characteristics of the subjects. Main findings: There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in terms of energy-based abilities: strength (strength of abdominal muscle mm. p = 0.049, strength of functional arm mm. p = 0.004) and endurance (Harvard Step-up Test p = 0.034, 800-m run p = 0.000, endurance shuttle run p = 0.008). Among the examined coordination abilities, differences were only found in the equivalent test in the frontal plane (p = 0.500) Conclusions: Among the studied winter sports representatives, no statistically significant differences in somatic build were found. As expected, the level of energy-based motor skills differentiates the studied groups and the found disparities are a consequence of performing different disciplines. There were no differences between the groups in terms of reaction time or time-spatial orientation. Such differences occurred in the case of balance in the frontal plane, which was dominated by representatives of the alpine competitions and biathletes.

Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Tchórzewski, Janusz Brudecki, Przemysław Bujas, Zofia Kiełpińska, Kamila Maj


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How To Cite

Dariusz Tchórzewski, Janusz Brudecki, Przemysław Bujas, Zofia Kiełpińska, Kamila Maj (2016). COMPARISON OF COMPREHENSIVE EFFICIENCY OF GIRLS ENGAGED IN DIFFERENT WINTER SPORTS. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 26(74), 73-82.