Comparison of diving mouthpieces used by divers and their influence on the stomatognathic system
Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2016, Vol 66, Issue 4
Introduction. Divers use three types of diving mouthpieces, which correspond to mouthguards used during practicing many sport disciplines. Long-term use of all of them may have impact on the tissues of the oral cavity and temporomandibular joints. Aim of the study. To compare the types of diving mouthpieces and their influence on the stomatognathic system. Material and methods. The study was based on a questionnaire survey among 419 divers. The group taken for further analysis consisted of 49 divers of similar experience, using standard diving mouthpiece and 49 divers using “boil and bite” type diving mouthpiece. Results. Divers using standard diving mouthpiece complained of the necessity for clenching to hold a mouthpiece and of related pain, more frequently than those using “boil and bite” type of mouthpieces. Cracks, TMJ pain, chewing muscles tenderness and teeth grinding occur with equal frequency in both groups. Conclusions. The study showed that both standard and “boil and bite” mouthpieces affect the functions of the stomatognathic system.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Mańka-Malara, Joanna Łuniewska, Anahit Hovhannisyan, Dominika Gawlak
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