Interdisciplinary management of a patient with hipodontia. A case report

Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2012, Vol 62, Issue 6


This report presents the results of interdisciplinary management of a patient with hypodontia. Hypodontia is the developmental absence of primary and permanent dentition or the congenital absence of one or more teeth. Oligodontia is the term used in cases of six or more teeth missing and anodontia is the absence of all teeth. Our case presented a patient with severe hypodontia. The clinical case illustrates the interdisciplinary and multistage rehabilitation with the participation of specialists in orthodontics, surgery and prosthetics. The implementation of modern surgical techniques allowed us to use dental implant procedures, despite the difficult clinical situation. The prosthetic rehabilitation was carried out using the fixed restoration based on natural teeth and implants. Fixed restorations were accepted by the patient. They have improved not only chewing function and speech but also the patient’s quality of life.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Ciechowicz, Przemysław Szczyrek, Dariusz Mateńko, Dorota Maciejak


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How To Cite

Katarzyna Ciechowicz, Przemysław Szczyrek, Dariusz Mateńko, Dorota Maciejak (2012). Interdisciplinary management of a patient with hipodontia. A case report. Prosthodontics, 62(6), 455-462.