Comparison of Efficacy of Labetalol and Methyldopa in Patients with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
Despite developments in health services, maternal mortality is still very high in India. Pregnancy induced hypertension and its complications still rank amongst major cause of maternal mortality in semi urban setups like us. Antihypertensive drugs are often used to lower blood pressure and also help in reducing maternal and fetal complications. Hence, this study was planned to assess and compare efficacy of labetalol and methyldopa in controlling blood pressure in patients with pregnancy induced hypertension and study maternal and perinatal outcome in rural Indian population. Methods: 180 patients with pregnancy induced hypertension were divided into two groups randomly. After randomization, group a received methyldopa 250 mg tid and group B received labetalol 100 mg tid. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was calculated according to formula – systolic BP+2 diastolic BP/3. Patients were subjected to 6 hourly BP monitoring. Comparison of two drugs was done daily by calculating MAP of two groups. Following observations were made as regards fall in BP with labetalol/methyldopa, time required to control BP, onset of labour spontaneous/induced, Bishop Score at induction of labour, side effects of drugs. Results: Significant fall in MAP was seen in patients receiving labetalol. Mean time required controlling BP in group A was 42.22 hrs and in group B it was 36.97 hrs. Mean Bishop Score at induction in present study in group A was 8.27 and in group B was 9.33 with a statistically significant ρ < 0.05. 33.33% patients went in spontaneous labour in group a while in group B 23 patients (48.94%) patients went in spontaneous labour. Conclusion: The freedom from maternal and fetal side effects, the efficient hypotensive action indicates that labetalol is suitable for use during pregnancy.
Authors and Affiliations
Anagha A. Jinturkar , Vrushali Khedkar , Dipti Dongaonkar
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