Comparison of rehabilitation after two-stage reconstruction with results in patients after primary junction of injured flexor tendons in the second area

Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2010, Vol 14, Issue 1


Introduction: Damage to flexor tendons constitutes the prevailing area of traumatic injuries to a hand. Without appropriate, instantaneous postoperative rehabilitation various secondary changes like adhesions to surrounding tissues occur and it makes complete restitution of skills in the hand impossible. Generally, traumatic tendons of flexors injuries are treated primarily. However, some patients for various reasons require repeated surgery procedures, for example: two-stage flexor tendon reconstruction.Aim of the study: To compare rehabilitation results in patients after two-stage flexor tendon reconstruction with the results of individuals following one-stage surgical treatment of injured flexor tendons in the second area.Material and methods: The research group was composed of 17 patients after second stage flexor tendon reconstruction from the second to the fifth finger, for whom there primarily appeared a tendon injury in the second area. The control group consisted of 17 persons, who had had surgical fusion of the corresponding tendons performed. Routine physiotherapeutic diagnostics constituted the method of examination, composed of details, as follows: range of movement measurements, dynamometric measurements, examination of sensory and manipulative skills. Functioning of hand assessment was based on Swanson’s methodology. All patients underwent an individual program of rehabilitation which was based on physiotherapeutic, kinesitherapeutic and apparating procedures individually matched for each patient. The program was completed by exercises performing by the patients at home.Results: Both in the research group and control group, significant improvement of hand functioning between the first and the last examination was noticed. However, when compared to the research group, the hand functioning defect in both examinations was lesser in the control group. The rehabilitation duration of patients from the research group was significantly longer than in the control group. Conclusion: Rehabilitation after two-stage flexor tendon reconstruction leads to a significant improvement of hand functioning, however the treatment duration is longer.

Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Ziółko, Krzysztof Kucia, Marek Pieniążek


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How To Cite

Agnieszka Ziółko, Krzysztof Kucia, Marek Pieniążek (2010). Comparison of rehabilitation after two-stage reconstruction with results in patients after primary junction of injured flexor tendons in the second area. Rehabilitacja Medyczna, 14(1), 16-24.