Comparison of sample and re-sampling techniques in the estimation of third trimester obstetric parameters
Background: Obstetricians interested in estimating the third trimester parameters, can find the outliers by estimating the crucial boundaries of these parameters. The estimation may be made by two approaches namely random sampling and re-sampling techniques (bootstrap sampling). AIM: Comparison between random sample and Bootstrap sample parameters Objectives: To calculate the statistics of the two procedures by means of averages. To estimate the population parameters by both methods. To interpret the difference statistically. Methodology: A random sample of 240 III trimester ante-natal mothers was selected as first 20 singleton pregnant mothers through the months of January to December 2014and among them 154 and 86 mothers were primi para and multi para respectively obtained from the records of a teaching hospital in Tamil Nadu. The Ultra Sona Graphed statistics like Head Circumference (HC), Abdominal Circumference (AC), and Placental Thickness (PT) were collected. The statistics and parameters of primi mothers (154) were computed by both techniques and the difference between the variance was inferred by variance ratio test with the help of IBM SPSS Version 20. Results: The following obstetric statistics viz. mean median SD and SE calculated by sample and Bootstrap methods are furnished. Discussion: The difference between the variances were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Hence the difference between Std. errors were also not statistically significant (P>0.05). And thus the parameters will also be not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusion: As the sample size of 154 was large, the estimated parameters of both techniques may not be significant. The Bootstrap sample parameter may be a more appropriate estimation in respect of small samples.
Authors and Affiliations
Arumugam P, Keshav Singh, Rajendran A K, Kasthuri A
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