Complications of percutaneous dilational tracheotomy – case report
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 3
Introduction: Tracheotomy is one of the most oldest operations in surgery. Percutaneous dilational tracheotomy has become increasingly popular as an alternative to standard tracheotomy over the last 30 years. It is particularly useful in patients who require prolonged mechanical ventilation, in the intensive care units. Percutaneous tracheotomy is a technique that can be performed at the bedside. It is cost effective, minimally invasive and can be done rapidly. Case report: We report a case of subglottic stenosis after percutaneous tracheotomy. A 56- year old obese man with chronic obstructive lung disease, insulin-independent diabetes, arterial hypertention and atrial fi brillation was admitted to the ENT Department because of stridor. 3 months earlier he had undergone percutaneous dilational tracheotomy due to respiratory failure. Laryngostroboscopy and a CT scan were performed, and showed 25 mm subglottic airway obstruction of the trachea. Discussion: The incidence of asymptomatic subglottic tracheal stenosis after decannulation of percutaneous tracheotomy patients has been reported in over 25% with to 2% case reports of symptomatic stenosis. Although percutaneous dilational tracheotomy is considered as a safe procedure, there is a high incidence of tracheal stenosis.
Authors and Affiliations
Antoni Bruzgielewicz, Ewelina Sielska-Badurek, Ewa Osuch-Wójcikiewicz, Marta Grotthuss
Sprawozdanie z 9.Zjazdu Północnoniemieckiego Towarzystwa Otolaryngologów, Chirurgów Głowy i Szyi, 2. Niemiecko-Polskiego Sympozjum Otolaryngologicznego
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