Computer Vision based Toll Collection System


Highway toll accumulation frameworks. It is utilized as a part of India. Some of these comprising Manual toll accumulation, RF labels, Barcodes and Number plate acknowledgment. Every one of these frameworks have inconveniences that prompt a few blunders in the relating framework. This paper exhibits a brief audit of toll gathering frameworks present in India, their points of interest and impediments furthermore expects to outline and add to another proficient toll accumulation framework which will be a decent minimal effort elective among every other framework. This framework in light of Computer Vision vehicle discovery utilizing OpenCV library as a part of Embedded Linux stage. The framework is outlined utilizing Embedded Linux advancement kit(ARM7).In this framework, a camera catches pictures of vehicles going through toll corner in this way a vehicle is recognized through camera. Contingent upon the territory involved by the vehicle, order of vehicles as light and overwhelming is finished. Further this data is gone to the Raspberry pi which is having web server set up on it. At the point when raspberry pi comes to know the vehicle, then it get to the web server data and as per the kind of the vehicle, fitting toll is charged. This framework can likewise made the most of two moving vehicles from pre-recorded recordings or put away recordings by utilizing the same calculation and methodology that we follow in this paper.

Authors and Affiliations

M. Vijaya Raghavan, M. Ravikumar


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M. Vijaya Raghavan, M. Ravikumar (2017). Computer Vision based Toll Collection System. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 5(4), -.