Comunicarea electorală: reglementarea comportamentului mass-media în campaniile electorale din Republica Moldova
Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 4
This article aims to elucidate the concept of electoral communication and the role of mass-media in the electoral campaigns. It also reflects the domestic mass-media obligations and rights regulated by national legislation, including the Electoral Code and the Audiovisual Code. The study gives information on the authorities' initiative to secure the national information space, concept included in 2018 in the Audiovisual Code.
Importanța grupurilor de presiune și a lobbyurilor în Republica Moldova
The study of interest groups represented a broad approach in the literature, many authors attempting to identify the influence of these groups on public power. The optics of the public sphere in the scientific literature...
Comunicarea electorală: reglementarea comportamentului mass-media în campaniile electorale din Republica Moldova
This article aims to elucidate the concept of electoral communication and the role of mass-media in the electoral campaigns. It also reflects the domestic mass-media obligations and rights regulated by national legislati...
Relațiile moldo-italiene în contextul noilor schimbări geopolitice
Although the topic of Moldovan-Italian relations is present in Moldovan politicians' speeches, the scientific literature of this aspect was given insufficient attention. Starting from the rationale that Italy is one of t...
Политика молдавского государства в области миграции и диаспоры: специфика современного этапа (по результатам социологического опроса)
The following article analyzes the Republic of Moldova’s policy in the field of migration and Diaspora. The author identifies the main stages and evo-lution of migration policy, characterizes the primary government bodie...
Инновационная безопасность: теоретико-методологическое и концептуальное обоснование нового научного направления
пасность, инновационная экономика, инновационное развитие. This article analyzes various theoretical approaches to the problem of ensuring national security in the conditions of the formation of an innovative economy. Th...