Политика молдавского государства в области миграции и диаспоры: специфика современного этапа (по результатам социологического опроса)

Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2


The following article analyzes the Republic of Moldova’s policy in the field of migration and Diaspora. The author identifies the main stages and evo-lution of migration policy, characterizes the primary government bodies that are involved in regulating the migration process in the country. The article re-flects minutely on the specifics of the contemporary stage of migration policy, identifies the main problems in its realization, the attitude of Moldovan mi-grants toward the government’s policy in this domain. The article makes wide use of the results of qualitative sociological polling (individual in-depth inter-viewing of experts; focus-groups).

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  • EP ID EP560569
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How To Cite

(2018). Политика молдавского государства в области миграции и диаспоры: специфика современного этапа (по результатам социологического опроса). Moldoscopie, 0(2), 86-105. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-560569