Jurnalismul cetățenesc - reflecție a inovațiilor actuale în sfera mediatică

Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2


Actually, the trend of reforming the media communication is specific for the most contemporary democratic states. In this case, some experts have noted the practice of asserting new types of media actions. The technological progress gas produced many changes especially regarding the role of the audience who became more and more active in collecting and disseminating the information. Thus, the citizen journailsm emerged. Novadays, blogs, social networks, wikis, reflect the democratization of the media production through new, accessible technologies. We are witnessing a transformation of the traditional roles: the compact mass of the audience began to grow increasingly dispersed. But there is also the transformation of journalism. Everything that is interesting and may be considered news is published either as short messages on Twitter, videos on YouTube or stories on blogs. The Paper attempts to adress citizen journalism in the context of the traditional journalism, to set certain characteristics of development of the fenomenon. These findings lead us to re-evaluate the potential of citizen journalism as a transformative and democratizing force.

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How To Cite

(2018). Jurnalismul cetățenesc - reflecție a inovațiilor actuale în sfera mediatică. Moldoscopie, 0(2), 76-85. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-560567