Dimensiunile corelative dintre „instituțiile socie-tății civile” și „dezvoltarea comunității locale”
Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2
The relationship between civil society institutions and local community development is examined today first of all from the perspective of involving rep-resentatives of the associative sector in local development actions. This relati-onship is based not only on certain norms and values, which derive from the ob-jectives of (in)formalorganizations ofcivil society, but also from culture, traditi-ons existing in the community. In the context of the analysis of the correlative dimensions between civil society institutions and local communitydevelopment, we intend to identify the civil society institutions that form the civic community (R.Putnam's theory); to examine the attributions of citizens who are members of associative sector stru-ctures and those who are independent when interact in society; to highlight how open and cooperative are the civil society institutions in the local community development process and to argue what role (positive, negative or passive) the civil society institutions have in solving the socio-economic and cultural prob-lems within the community.
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