Поселенческая мобильность молдавских трудовых мигрантов в Республике Молдова и шести странах миграции
Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 1
The following article researches settler mobility of Moldovan labor mi-grants in the Republic of Moldova and in six migration countries based on the results of sociological research. The object of research is the Moldovan labor migrants who are staying in the six migration countries: Russia, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Israel, and the UK. Migration mobility takes place in two stages. In the Republic of Moldova, between three types of settlements: big city (Chisinau, Balti) – small town – village. In the countries of migration, between four types of settlements: big city – middle-sized city – small town – village. Settler mobility is viewed as a two-stage process: a) internal – mobility from one settlement (place of birth) to another (place of residence) immediately before migration, andb) external – migration from Moldova into a settlement in one of the six migration countries. Settler mobility is viewed in the following context: a) form of migration: study, labor, familial, and b) individual context: gender, social age, professional qualifications.
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