Securitatea Republicii Moldova în contextul unui eventual proiect “Novorossia”
Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2
The periphery of the USSR especially that of the Black Sea, has become the intersection of geopolitical contradictions and competition over the last two decades. Lately, many actors with interests in the political, economic and, energy sphere have focused their attention on this area. The events that took place in Ukraine are a continuous concern not only for regional actors, but also for the world ones, which radically change the geostrategic landscape in Eastern Europe. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe has become the main scene of the struggle for world supremacy between the US and the Russian Federation. The competition between the two great powers was felt in several areas, but its military aspect played the important role. This article analyzes the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis on the security of the Republic of Moldova. Also, the security of the Republic of Moldova is analyzed through the prism of possible strategies of the Russian Federation in the Eastern European area, such as the possible scenario for the realization of the "novorossia" project.
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