Информационное письмо
Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 1
Традиция чествования юбиляров и оказание дани уважения их научным изысканиям проверена временем.
Традиция чествования юбиляров и оказание дани уважения их научным изысканиям проверена временем.
Contribuția diasporelor în dezvoltarea statelor de origine (cazul statelor din spațiul post-sovietic)
If former ethnic groups in the USSR were living under the slogan of one people, then the Soviet collapse brought about significant changes. The end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the 21st century were mark...
О концепции модернизации в современном политическом дискурсе
In article is examined the role and place of modernization theory in con-temporary political discourse. Modernization is a socio-philosophical category, which is characterized as a structural organization of society. Mod...
Историографические основы исследования феномена торговли людьми
The problem of human trafficking is very relevant in the modern world and causes concern for both the international community and individual states. It appeared in the focus of scientific research in the 90s of the previ...
”Soft power” în condițiile lumii multipolare
In the article the concept of soft power is considered as a concept of political science, which is used to analyze soft instruments of political influence of states in a multipolar world. The main instrument of soft powe...
Procesul de integrare europeană şi noţiuni conexe – aspecte teoretice
In this article the author analyzes from a theoretical point of view the process of the European integration as well as EU policy of conditionality, Europeanization and modernization. The study offers the definition of i...