Историографические основы исследования феномена торговли людьми

Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 4


The problem of human trafficking is very relevant in the modern world and causes concern for both the international community and individual states. It appeared in the focus of scientific research in the 90s of the previous century, which explains the increase in the number of monographs and scientific articles in recent decades. The article is devoted to the research of the historiographic aspects of the study of the phenomenon of human trafficking. The author analyzed scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists engaged in the study of this problem. The analysis showed that foreign researchers point to the connection between human trafficking and the process of globalization, and labour and illegal migration. In Moldovan science the problem of human trafficking is not adequate-ly reflected. The signing of the Association Agreement of the Republic of Moldova with the European Union has created more favorable conditions for cooperation in the field of combating human trafficking, which in turn will make it possible to fully develop the policy of combating human trafficking in the Re-public of Moldova in the context of the policies of the European Union.

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How To Cite

(2018). Историографические основы исследования феномена торговли людьми. Moldoscopie, 0(4), 38-55. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-560637