Conceptual aspects of stability and security economics development of real sector
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2015, Vol 10, Issue
In this article is listed the meaning of "stability" and "security". As a result, theoretical statements of systematization and generalization show us that economic development which is the result of four levels combination (geophysical, environmental, technological and demoeconomic) and movement of complex deterministic system. Trying to show the current understanding of the relationship management and connection between economic stabilities and economic security. It is proved that the stability of the real sector can be characterized as a fixed state of the economic system and its variables. Identified such main sectors of stability as: sustainability, permanent and hyper stabilities. Determined that the sustainability of the basic economic sectors provides long-term improvement to create the potential mode of social balance and orientation. Have been reviewed steady and sound development problems of the economic sector as a dialectical unity of ecologic and economic security. Functional areas of economic sector security are : energy, food and information security. Security is a complicated social and political phenomenon. It accumulates the accumulated historical experience, the results of various forms of life, including culture, society, the state, the general principles of civilization, as particularly important consideration economic security. The interpretation of economic security is under formation. In the scientific literature there are different interpretations of economic security. In the scientific literature there are different interpretations of economic security. This confirms the importance and complexity of the problem, incompleteness methodological basis of research aimed at provision of security in key segments of the economy. The relationship between the categories of "sustainability" and "economic security" can expand study macroeconomic processes. Therefore, depending on changes in the state of stability of the economy can be seen on the provision of security. This control system state is able to produce only coordinated measures aimed at sustainable development both the real economy and strengthening its economic security. Developed the logical framework scheme of connection between the economic sector and economic security. This scheme illustrates the sequence, subordination and interdependence semantically joined categories, which reflect certain socio-economic relations.
Authors and Affiliations
Lyudmila Kyslova
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