Conceptual Review on Rasayana & its Impact on Oja
Journal Title: International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 0
Ayurveda is the most ancient medical science of the world. The main purpose of ayurved is to maintain the health of healthy individual and cure the disease of diseased one. Rasayana Tantra is one among the eight major division of Astang ayurved. Rasayan chikitsa helps in maintaining the healthy life style. Ayuved has describe various types of Rasayana which can provide protection against diseases,promotes physical health,improve the status of dhatus, can confer immunity & rejuvenate the system.The purpose of the rasayana is to obtain strength,immunity,oja,vitality,will power & determination and it also strengthen the senses. According to ayurveda oja is an essence present in every dhatu & considered as sara of all saptadhatus and responsible for strength of the body. Many herbs & dietery materials can act as rasayan & work as immune stimulant,anti-stress agent of the result of rasayana is it promotes oja in the body which is the factor responsible for vyadhikshamatva (immunity) so that person will not suffered from any diseases. Purpose of this paper is to discuss about the role of rasayana in enhancement of qualities of oja
Authors and Affiliations
Manisha R. Dehankar, Sunil G. Topre
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