Critical Analysis and Treatment Protocol for Management of Childhood Premature Graying Hair (Canities) w.s.r. to Palitya


Hair is important skin appendage which has vital role to play in perspiration and temperature maintenance, but equally important cosmetically. Once own appearance as well as psychological make-up is definitely highlighted by certain external factors like skin complexion, texture and pigmentation of the hair. As we know Hyper and hypo pigmentation of the skin and hairs is a genetically determined entity and shows wide range of variation in its presentation. The biological process of gray hair appears to be associated with the progressive loss of pigment producing cells. Hair is said to gray prematurely when it occurs before the age of 20 in whites, 25 in Asians and 30 in Africans. Canities or premature graying of the hairs in childhood clinical practice is significantly increasing in recent days which can be attributed to significant changes in life style, dietary habits and environmental pollution. Ultraviolet light, smoking, water pollution with increased fluoride contents, drugs, trace elements, nutritional deficiencies and increase in academic stress are certain other causes. In Ayurvedic literature also we come across a disorder by name, Palitya which is confined to scalp hairs and caused by certain external (Agantuka) and internal (Doshic) factors, resulting in discolorisation of the scalp hairs. Detailed explanation of pathology, symptomatology, causative factors, environmental and psychological factors of disease Palitya has been explained in Ayurveda with reference to ShiroRogas. Hence present paper emphasizes the critical analysis of childhood premature graying of the hair in children in present scenario and its Ayurvedic understanding along with preparation of its treatment protocol.

Authors and Affiliations

Kailash Chandra Kataria, Shrinidhi Kumar K


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How To Cite

Kailash Chandra Kataria, Shrinidhi Kumar K (2019). Critical Analysis and Treatment Protocol for Management of Childhood Premature Graying Hair (Canities) w.s.r. to Palitya. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 0(0), 1-13.