Conceptual Understanding of Newton’s Laws of Motion as a Phenomenological Experience
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 175
This paper examined the students’ phenomenological experiences in their conceptual understanding Newton’s laws of motion. The participants in this research were 3 physics college students in a Teacher Education Institution in Iloilo City, Philippines. The data in this research were gathered through individual semi-structured interview to each of the participants. The explicitation of the data through phenomenological analysis (Hycner, 1999). The study revealed that the phenomenological experiences of students in his/her teacher in understanding Newton’s laws of motion were teacher demonstration, reviewing the previous topic, giving questions, giving situations to analyze, getting volunteers for the activities, application of topic to our daily life situation, using analogies to motivate the students, fa- miliarize the basic concepts about Newton’s laws of motion, relate the equations from other situations. The researchers further found that the phenomenological experiences of students help build their conceptual understanding about Newton’s laws of motion by seeing it to understand, give and take knowledge, teaching styles, and students participation. Results also showed that teachers’ teaching style also determines how the students will respond, at times receptive, sometimes withdrawn. The pedagogy of the teacher also affects the stu- dents understanding and these are the reasons of students: intimidating teacher, open mindedness, eagerness and interest in teaching, and use of words. Moreover, it was pointed out that students also play an important role in the teaching-learning process. The students should not lie only to the teachers but they should do research or read books in the library. Furthermore, students gave some suggestions to re- fine the teaching-learning process and these are using visual aids, models or representations, and teaching styles should coincide with the students multiple intelligences to achieve understanding. Finally, the teachers; skill in employing interesting, challenging and relevant teaching methodologies which motivate the students to actively participate and manage their own learning serves as the best guarantee of beneficial and respectful classroom control and making the teaching-learning process fruitful. Both enjoy a winning situation, the stu- dents gaining knowledge and useful information on one hand and the teachers feeling satisfied and rewarded in seeing them learn.
Authors and Affiliations
Edsel O. Coronado, Chive G. Gabasa
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