Conceptul “tensegrity”, la baza stimulării biomecanice, alternativă de reabilitare în luxatiiile scapulohumerale recurente
Journal Title: Gymnasium - Scientific Journal of Education, Sports and Health - Year 2011, Vol 12, Issue 1
Biomechanical stimulation known more as WBV /whole body vibration training, is already largely used in fitness and wellness facilities for rapid increase in force and flexibility. The effects of biomechanical stimulation are finally being understood, and they are a useful adjuvant to standard kinetotherapic force, gait, equilibrium and coordination rehabilitation as DMT/Dynamic Motion Therapy, working at safer frequencies, amplitudes and loads. The need to associate such physical therapy, is nevertheless rarely highlighted in rehabilitation centers in Romania. Without proper guidance the patients are hardly motivated enough to keep up with the classical exercises which carry a risk of injuries, which is why similar results obtained faster and easier through DMT are attractive. This paper’s aim is to try and introduce the usage of biomechanical stimulation, in combination with evidence based kinetotherapy exercises as an alternative to classical strengthening exercises in the prophylaxis and treatment of recurring shoulder dislocation.
Authors and Affiliations
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