Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2018, Vol 142, Issue 142
The article contains a complex analysis of the correlation between the notions of «military crime» and «the composition of a military offense». The author supports the position that the notion of «military crime» is specific to the generic concept of «crime», enshrined in art. 11 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. In order to consider the notion of «war crime» it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the composition of the military crime, the signs and elements of which have their imprint in the notion of «military crime». These legal categories are in close interconnection, complementing one another. The signs that are inherent in the composition of any military offense are equally in the concept of a «military crime», but if the elements of the crime are clearly grouped within the relevant element, then it is uncharacteristic for the notion of «military crime». The presence of a legislative definition of the concept of «military crime» and the scientific concept of «composition of military offense» makes it possible to correctly solve a number of practical issues of qualification of crimes, such as: demarcation, competition, aggregate, complicity and others. Undoubtedly, as the notion of a lower level, the notion of «military crime» is based on the general concept of «crime», is derived from it, therefore, having common signs of a crime, military crimes have their own specific features that distinguish them from other «non-military» crimes. The public danger of war crimes is characterized by high-ranking categories – military security of the state: a) the state of combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations; b) the ability to perform the task posed by the state; c) the protection of the country from possible military aggression. Any war crime undermines the combat capability of military units, which, in consequence, causes significant damage to it and, eventually, military security of the state.
Authors and Affiliations
Сергій Харитонов
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