Concordance of the collision of normative requirements for trademark cost determination

Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 4


Introduction. Some requirements for determining the value of a trademark of regulatory accounting and independent valuation bases are substantially controversial. This fact creates a normative and legal collision between them. This leads to the high relevance of the problem of coordination of these requirements. Purpose. The article aims to investigate the influence of the revealed contradictions of regulatory accounting requirements and independent evaluation of the determination of a trademark value on the validity of the choice of valuation methodological approaches and procedures. search and justify the possible ways to overcome the identified collision. determine the value of the trademark of normative and legal accounting. offer solutions that make it possible to avoid uncertainties caused by the presence of contradictions established in the study. substantiate the choice of appropriate valuation of methodological approaches and specification of the peculiarities of performance of valuation procedures. Method (methodology). The general methodological basis of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the individual provisions of the normative accounting and independent valuation with the subsequent discovery of the existing contradictions and the synthesis of useful practical conclusions about the possibilities of contradictions coordination. Results. The list of costs that can be taken in to account when applying the cost approach to the value of a trademark has been analysed and specified. It has been revealed that these types of expenses from the point of view of the current legislative and normative and legal frame work of accounting are not considered as intangible assets. However, the fact of their implementation increases the value of trademarks that relate to intangible assets in terms of both regulatory bases under the investigation. It has been proposed to take into account expenses that indirectly relate to the trademark in its value only in part, using a lowering factor that is less than one. The appropriateness of the use of cost (property) methodological approach in assessing the market value of trademarks has been reasoned and theoretically grounded. It has been done as we can observe the normative and legal collision between the normative bases under investigation while applying methodical approaches.

Authors and Affiliations

Yuri Pozdnyakov, Maria Lapishko


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How To Cite

Yuri Pozdnyakov, Maria Lapishko (2018). Concordance of the collision of normative requirements for trademark cost determination. Економічний аналіз, 28(4), 43-49.