Conditions of using numerical workers’ models while assessing direct hazards related to exposure to electromagnetic field

Journal Title: Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy - Year 2016, Vol 32, Issue 4


This article discusses the possibility of using numerical workers’ body models when as-sessing exposure to electromagnetic fields in testing compliance with the requirements of Directive 2013/35/EU. The requirements related to assessing the bio-physical effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (internal electric field strength; specific energy absorption rate), qualified by the directive as direct hazards, were presented. A compliance analysis with the limits set out in the directive can be carried out on the basis of the values of these numerically calculated measures. Numerical simulation requires a good knowledge about electromagnetic theory, applied numerical method and the parameters of the analysed exposure scenario in the work-place. It is also an expensive, time-consuming process and can only be carried out by specialised research centres, usually not related to individual worksites. A key issue of numerical simulations used in assessments of direct hazards related to exposure to electromagnetic fields is the numerical human body model. This article discusses vari-ability in the values of effects measures from particular parameters of the models, such as: the dielectric properties of body tissues, posture, insulating conditions, spatial resolution or anthropometric properties. Of these parameters, insulating conditions, posture and anthropometric properties had the greatest impact (more than 2-fold differences between the values of direct effects measures were observed). It was demonstrated that the parameters of most of the numerical human body models used so far as: limited (usually residual) surface with contact to the ground, to coarse spatial resolution, unrealistic posture (straight with lowered upper limbs), result in their use in assessing the direct effect in testing compliance with the requirements of Directive 2013/35/EU is limited. It is important to carry out research focused on the development of numerical human body models without such disadvantages, and also activities to specify in detail and to standardise requirements related to numerical models used when assessing the discussed effects. However, the models can be successfully used in relation analysis between hazards levels and working conditions (posture, distance from field source, etc.) or parameters of field source (geometry, frequency, emitted power, etc.) It is used in process of developing guidelines, standards or legal requirements related to workers’ safety in the vicinity of electromagnetic field sources.

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  • EP ID EP189950
  • DOI 10.5604/1231868X.1222127
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How To Cite

PATRYK ZRADZIŃSKI (2016). Conditions of using numerical workers’ models while assessing direct hazards related to exposure to electromagnetic field. Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy, 32(4), 71-85.