Connections between strength-speed task with different structure of movement. Epilogu

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2008, Vol 18, Issue 43


Introduction. This study is a completion of three previous reports devoted to analysis of the relations between the basic strength and speed tests. Too small disproportion in weight of balls, which were used in the initial measurements, induces the authors to complete the considered relations by wider description of the important role of speed in throwing trials. An application of light objects throws in estimation of speed abilities suggested by Farfel and other authors provide us with an incentive to do the measurements of similar type. The inversely proportional relationship between strength and speed was a theoretical premise of such research. Individual’s speed predisposition manifests itself in longer distance of the light object throw. However, Matviejev and Zaciorskigave valuable information warning against the use of too light equipment. The same conclusion follows from the practical recommendations by Mulak.Aim. Completion of previous parts of the study by information concerning the importance of the speed (velocity of movement) in strength-speed tasks as well as expressing an opinion about legitimacy of definition of speed as “complex” or “hybrid” motor ability.Material and methods. A sample of 58 female and 47 male second year students of University of Physical Education in Wrocław comprised the first analyzed group. Measurements, taken in May 2008, included basic somatic trait, 3 kg medicine ball backward throw and 1 kg ball one-hand ball throw performed in a baseball manner. The throws of 304 g and 104 g rubber balls were performed with the use of the same technique. These trials were supplemented with the jumps over a bar. Additionally the speed abilities were evaluated by a value of an index respecting results of the light and heavy balls throws.The second group under consideration comprised 34 girls and 34 boys of IV–VII grades in Grammar School in Miłoszyce. Like in the student group the basic somatic trait were measured in this group, but 2 kg and 1 kg medicine balls throws were performed forward from above a head. Throws of five different weight rubber balls were performed like in student’s group. Also the speed-strength indices were calculated which link the distance of the lightest 32 g ball throw to the distance of the more heavy balls throw. Moreover, from among many available motor tasks, the 20 m run from flying start, long jump from standing position, run in place with clapping and hand muscle dynamometry (hand grip) were considered. From the other side the variety of opinions of the part of researchers in relation to the fundamental concepts of motor abilities persuades to do the review of the most important reports and to formulate possible remarks.Results. In both student groups the correlations between the throws results and the body built traits increase as lighter equipment was used. In women, the time of over bar jumps was independent on somatic features as well as the results of ball throws. It practically excluded this group from the further analysis. However, in men a significant correlation coefficient between 304 g ball throw and over bar jumps time made possible a calculation of the speed-strength index. Motor index being the ratio of the distance of 304 g ball throw and the result of 1 kg ball throw was found to be the most diagnostic. Its discriminant value distinctly appears when one considers the jumps time performed by students with extreme index values. In children group, correlation calculations in boys show to some extend an analogy of relations to these observed in students, despite a different kind of trials and the manner of performance. Relatively small diagnostic value of the speed-strength indices can be explained by different ways of performing the throws of more heavy balls and by placing in the index numerator the lightest 32 g ball, while correlations for somewhat heavier balls showed the possibility of more accurate evaluation.The second task was consideration of reasonableness of application of the “complex” (“hybrid”) motor ability term in relation to the speed. Following the many reports, mainly by Szopa, Młynarski. Raczek and others, and first of all by Matviejev and Zaciorski it was recognized that the four motor abilities have be described only by one term, and the so called Ważny’s regular pyramid, formulated by him in seventies years of last century, may be taken as the most simple and logical model of relationships between them.Conclusions. An applied way of the speed ability evaluation considering throws needs however a further study. Nevertheless, in the future it may be useful in practice provided that the balls were adequately chosen in accordance with the strength and speed characteristic for a motor activity. The light balls throws themselves as well as speed-strength indices with the use of heavy balls can be considered as a tool in the speed evaluation. The estimation of the speed abilities by use of sprint runs and jumps – the typical speed-strength trials seem to be not very apt as regards their content-relation. In addition, the movement frequency presents a measurement doubtful with regard to aptness of evaluation. Qualification “complex” or “hybrid” applied to all abilities haven’t to treat exclusively the speed. The regular pyramid by Ważny may be considered successfully as the simplest, logical model of cooperation of all motor abilities.

Authors and Affiliations

Adam Haleczko , Leszek Korzewa , Ewa Misiołek , Urszula Włodarczyk


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How To Cite

Adam Haleczko, Leszek Korzewa, Ewa Misiołek, Urszula Włodarczyk (2008). Connections between strength-speed task with different structure of movement. Epilogu. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 18(43), 97-112.