Considerații privind posibilitatea controlului constituţionalităţii asupra actelor puterii executive
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 198
Cette étude est consacrée à l’analyse du contrôle de la constitutionnalité du pouvoir exécutif, et les formes de l’exercer. Dans ce contexte, la Cour constitutionnelle se limite à vérifier la conformité de la constitutionnalité des actes des gouvernants dont la inconstitutionnalité a été notifiée. Même si lʼÉtat assure le mécanisme de contrôle de la légalité des actes du pouvoir exécutif, nous croyons que les gouvernants eux-mêmes sont en mesure de vérifier individuellement la constitutionnalité des actes avant d’émettre.
Purtarea, păstrarea, procurarea ilegală a armei de foc sau a muniţiilor: modalităţi normative de exprimare a faptei prejudiciabile prevăzute la art.290 CP RM
Within performed study is analyzed illegal carrying, storing and purchasing of firearms (except smooth-bore hunting weapon) or ammunition as normative modalities of expressing penal illicit referred to art.290 PC RM. It...
Analiza mecanismelor organizației națiunilor unite de combatere a torturii
The XXI century characterized by globalization of international relations, enforce objective necessity to coordinate the efforts of the United States for achieving the supreme interests of the international community: pe...
Conotații juridico-penale privind piramidele financiare
The practice of a financial pyramid it’s one of the examples of an activity that falls under the incident of art.2411 PC RM. This criminal component was introduced on 08 June of 2012 be the Law 128 for completion of some...
Huliganismul ce implică acţiuni care încalcă grosolan ordinea publică, însoţite de aplicarea violenţei asupra persoanelor: divergențe jurisprudențiale. Partea II
In this study it is mentioned that in the judicial practice there is no unitary point of view regarding the classification of actions that grossly violate public order, accompanied by the application of violence that exc...
Методика расследования врачебных преступлений против жизни и здоровья пациентов
In the process of medical crime investigation are used a set of scientific and practical recommendations elaborated by criminology science, medical-legal science and the practice of concrete investigations.