Considerente privind evoluția statului Republica Moldova
Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 1
The article examines the process of affirmation and development of the Republic of Moldova through the perspective of the political power development and its legitimacy. It identifies and analyzes four stages in state evolution that are found in election cycles and the orientation of the elite of power on the vector of the society development based on the values, norms and its expressed principles. From a new perspective (on the basis of the theoretical and methodologi-cal aspects), some relevant trends in the development of political power are ide-ntified and elucidated in the context of the new evolutions of the society and du-ality of state power in the Republic of Moldova after the presidential elections in 2016. In this respect, an increased attention is paid to the analysis of the cri-sis of political power legitimacy, profound political cleavages (Eastern orienta-tion - western orientation, unionism - Moldovanism and unitarianism – federa-lism), as well as political instruments or modalities of elite co-operation (the transaction between the elites and their convergence). It is shown that in the case of convergence, elites form the electoral and / or post-electoral (govern-ing) coalitions depending on the political conjuncture created at a certain time, alliances which can be abolished not only beacause of electoral defeats but also during the rule of one or another coalition. It is concluded that to the implementation of the modernizing reforms, in their form and content, must contribute a number of factors, including the capa-city to renew traditional political elites in modernizing political elites manifes-ted by the alternation of power of persons and political leaders given by the co-mpetition between parties, by changing the verticality of the political power that would be able to modernize the Republic of Moldova on the basis of a new pa-radigm of government.
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