Constructivist rhetoric within the tradition of rhetorical studies in Spain

Journal Title: Res Rhetorica - Year 2016, Vol 3, Issue 1


The paper proposes a model of rhetoric based on the theoretical and methodological framework of constructivist positions on knowledge and discourse. The main claim is that the ideological meaning, and specifically of political discourse, can be analyzed from a dual perspective, ‘socio-cognitive’ and ‘rhetorical-constructivist’. Such an analysis shows that the construction of meaning is inseparable from the deliberate choice made by the agent in communicative practices. The paper claims that rhetoric should return to its origins as a tool for citizens, and that it could become an important instrument for explaining the conflicts of current social and political discourse.

Authors and Affiliations

David Pujante


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  • EP ID EP192129
  • DOI 10.17380/rr2016.1.3
  • Views 120
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How To Cite

David Pujante (2016). Constructivist rhetoric within the tradition of rhetorical studies in Spain. Res Rhetorica, 3(1), 30-49.