
The research is implemented with the descriptive method with the elements of semiotic analysis of the caricature as a creolized text, which made it possible to characterize the form-creative and content-verbal components, in accordance with the objectives of the study. Also the comparative method is used, which enables finding out the national specificity of the caricature. The deep and fundamental changes both in meaningful and graphic images of illustrations in the art of caricature converted this genre from minor “illustrative” into independent component of media content as well as communicative and manipulative technology. Political caricatures are printed on the pages of Paris international magazine “Courrier International”, Swiss magazine “Nebelspalter”, Danish newspaper “Jyllands-Posten”. Although the language of caricature is international, the national specificity of the genre is marked by cultural traditions. The modern state of French caricature development proves the heritage of Philippon editions where satire not only discloses but also informs, gives rise to thoughts, promotes psycho-logical relaxation and communication. The cover of the most popular satire weekly “Charlie Hebdo” repre-sents shattering caricatures on the world politicians, leaders of all religions, catastrophes, armed conflicts. Unfortunately, “Charlie Hebdo” became famous due to notorious caricature scandals. The rush for the rat-ing, the strive to increase readership, unscrupulousness in the choices of objects and topics of mockery led to the double standards of understanding freedom of speech as a fundamental value of European world. Nowadays in France political caricature is a constituent of media political system and a means of political influence. Unlike French caricature, which has sharp disclosing character and wide bounds of freedom ex-pression, German caricature is more limited by law. Taboo on verbalization of gender, religious and race issues conditioned prevalence of visual component in German caricature. Today European issues of satire trend highlight the topics of hydrogen bomb testing in North Korea, the anniversary of shooting the editorial staff of “Charlie Hebdo”, Syrian conflict, emigrants problems, Great Britain leaving the EU, Trump’s policy. The relevance of the study is determined by the powerful manipulative potential of the caricature, its ability to form a public opinion, as well as by the possibility to discuss communicative and functional peculiarities of satire on the modern stage and define its national peculiarities. The materials and findings can be used as knowledge background to the courses, such as “Theory and prac-tice of mass media and communication”, “Modern press”.

Authors and Affiliations

L. Temchenko


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How To Cite

L. Temchenko (2017). CONTENT AND FORM-CREATIVE PECULIARITIES OF EUROPEAN POLITICAL CARICATURE. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія "Соціальні комунікації", 25(12), 123-128.