The paper deals with the animal bones from the point Gorgana I near Radovanu village, Călăraşi County. The sample is not too large, it comprises 636 bones, of which 433 fragments from a waste pit (Gr. 11). The rest was g...
The following discussion resumes a recurring theme chiefly in the Romanian and Bulgarian archaeology of the last decades, namely the issues related to the so‐called "hybrid” fibulae. Recent studies referring to this topi...
We present a number of 29 pipes and fragments of clay pipes found during the preventive archaeological excavation carried out in 2014 on Lucian Blaga and Radu Negru streets in Timișoara. According to the typology, we hav...
The present paper originated in Alexandra Bolomey’s partial (and often incomplete) notes and unfinished manuscripts on the Early Neolithic faunal remains from the Cuina Turcului rock shelter. Most of the information they...
The analysis of the artefacts from osseous raw materials discoveret in Histria – Acropolis Centre‐South Sector is integrated in the series of extensive scientific valorisation of the artefacts from osseous raw materials...
Date preliminare asupra exploatării animalelor în așezarea Cernavodă I de la Radovanu – Gorgana I (jud. Călărași). Campaniile 2010–2012
The paper deals with the animal bones from the point Gorgana I near Radovanu village, Călăraşi County. The sample is not too large, it comprises 636 bones, of which 433 fragments from a waste pit (Gr. 11). The rest was g...
Obiecte și interpretări. În legătură cu „mesajul” fibulelor „hibride”
The following discussion resumes a recurring theme chiefly in the Romanian and Bulgarian archaeology of the last decades, namely the issues related to the so‐called "hybrid” fibulae. Recent studies referring to this topi...
Obiceiuri cotidiene reflectate arheologic în Timișoara otomană. Observații asupra pipelor de lut / Daily customs reflected in the archaeology of Ottoman Timişoara. Notes on the clay pipes
We present a number of 29 pipes and fragments of clay pipes found during the preventive archaeological excavation carried out in 2014 on Lucian Blaga and Radu Negru streets in Timișoara. According to the typology, we hav...
Materialul faunistic din nivelurile neolitice timpurii din adăpostul sub stâncă de la Cuina Turcului. Alexandra Bolomey in memoriam
The present paper originated in Alexandra Bolomey’s partial (and often incomplete) notes and unfinished manuscripts on the Early Neolithic faunal remains from the Cuina Turcului rock shelter. Most of the information they...
Histria – Acropolă Centru‐Sud. Date asupra artefactelor din materii dure animale (I) / Histria – Acropolis Centre‐South. Data on bone and antler artefacts (I)
The analysis of the artefacts from osseous raw materials discoveret in Histria – Acropolis Centre‐South Sector is integrated in the series of extensive scientific valorisation of the artefacts from osseous raw materials...