Contention activity of fc of Europe in historical aspect of development of type of sport
Journal Title: Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 3
The analysis of the current state of development of world football highlights the leading role of football clubs that have long been leaders in European club football, have significant achievements in the drawings of European cup tournaments.The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the participation of club teams in the final tournaments of the Champions League and to predict trends in its development. Methods of research - analysis of scientific and methodological literature and technical protocols on the Internet; method of system analysis; chronological method. Pedagogical analysis of the participation of football clubs was conducted on the basis of official data of the final tournaments of the European Champions Cup (1955/56 - 1991/92) and the UEFA Champions League (1992/93 - 2016/17). Results are revealed of competition activity are presented and comparative analysis of indexes of FC in a cup tournament is League of champions. In the process of research, the leaders of the European club tournament, rating of FC, distinctions in these indexes, are certain. The necessity of this generalization is conditioned by permanent progress of this type of sport.
Authors and Affiliations
О. М. Соловей, Д. О. Соловей
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