The paper analyses the recent policy relating to open access publication as
a requirement of funding councils and future research excellence assessments. This is
considered in the context of the way in which the universi...
This article presents R.S. Peters’ theory of moral education embedded in his
broad conception of morality. The author examines Peters’ views against the background
of Kohlberg’s stage theory of moral development; hence,...
Post-apartheid South African schools are contending with unprecedented
incidents and rates of violence that have not only brought untold humiliation to learners
and teachers alike but have, in many instances, forced scho...
Open Access Publication: Some Notes on Visibility and Making Public
The paper analyses the recent policy relating to open access publication as a requirement of funding councils and future research excellence assessments. This is considered in the context of the way in which the universi...
The Reluctant Postmodernism of Barbara Weber, Philosophieren mit Kindern zum Thema Menschenrechte. Vernunft und Mitgefühl als Grundvoraussetzungen einer demokratischen Dialogkultur (Alber, Freiburg i.B., 2013)
R.S. Peters’ comprehensive theory of moral education
This article presents R.S. Peters’ theory of moral education embedded in his broad conception of morality. The author examines Peters’ views against the background of Kohlberg’s stage theory of moral development; hence,...
On Speaking to Violence in Post-Apartheid Schools
Post-apartheid South African schools are contending with unprecedented incidents and rates of violence that have not only brought untold humiliation to learners and teachers alike but have, in many instances, forced scho...