The article raises a quite important issue, hardly present in Polish scientific literature
– the relation between presidential elections and the party system. This is an attempt
to show how the party indicates the presid...
Interpretation of Polish political divisions is difficult, if one takes as a reference
the traditional division into left wing and right wing politics. Similar difficulties are
caused by a phenomenon emerging in all Euro...
Relacje między wyborami prezydenckimi a systemem partyjnym w Polsce
The article raises a quite important issue, hardly present in Polish scientific literature – the relation between presidential elections and the party system. This is an attempt to show how the party indicates the presid...
Spis treści / Contents
Antynomie sprzeciwu
Interpretation of Polish political divisions is difficult, if one takes as a reference the traditional division into left wing and right wing politics. Similar difficulties are caused by a phenomenon emerging in all Euro...
Miloslav Petrusek, Marx, marxismus a sociologie. Texty z pozůstalosti 1, (Praha: Sociologické Nakladatelství, 2014)
Studium o mechanizmie zagłady Żydów europejskich. Recenzja książki Raula Hilberga, Zagłada Żydów europejskich, t. I–III, przeł. J. Giebułtowski (Warszawa: Wydawca Piotr Stefaniuk, 2014)