Interpretation of Polish political divisions is difficult, if one takes as a reference
the traditional division into left wing and right wing politics. Similar difficulties are
caused by a phenomenon emerging in all Euro...
In the paper entrepreneurs’ class position is being discussed with reference to neo-
-Marxist and neo-Weberian conceptualizations. Conclusion of those considerations
is recall of Stanisław Ossowski’s differentiation of r...
“Friends-and-neighbors voting”, that is, the tendency of voters to support local candidates
(even in national elections) is a phenomenon known from a number of
democracies. In this short article I focus on three constitu...
The aim of the article is to characterize the genocidal practices used by the structures
of the Indonesian state towards the inhabitants of West Papua. In the first part the
author presents a historical overview of decol...
Antynomie sprzeciwu
Interpretation of Polish political divisions is difficult, if one takes as a reference the traditional division into left wing and right wing politics. Similar difficulties are caused by a phenomenon emerging in all Euro...
Powracająca klasa? Pozycja klasowa a reprodukcja klasy przedsiębiorców w kontekście teorii Pierre’a Bourdieu
In the paper entrepreneurs’ class position is being discussed with reference to neo- -Marxist and neo-Weberian conceptualizations. Conclusion of those considerations is recall of Stanisław Ossowski’s differentiation of r...
„Głosowanie przyjacielsko-sąsiedzkie”: Przyczynek do badań w kontekście polskim
“Friends-and-neighbors voting”, that is, the tendency of voters to support local candidates (even in national elections) is a phenomenon known from a number of democracies. In this short article I focus on three constitu...
Zapomniany genocyd. Analiza praktyk ludobójczych Indonezyjczyków wobec mieszkańców Papui Zachodniej
The aim of the article is to characterize the genocidal practices used by the structures of the Indonesian state towards the inhabitants of West Papua. In the first part the author presents a historical overview of decol...
Państwo empiryczne. Recenzja pracy zbiorowej pod redakcją Jacka Raciborskiego, Państwo w praktyce. Style działania (Kraków: Nomos, 2017)