Contents of Intellectual Business
Journal Title: Экономика строительства и городского хозяйства - Year 2016, Vol 12, Issue 3
Formation of the intellectual resources and their efficient use and augmentation are factors not only enhance the quality of life of society, but also to create the material conditions for its maintenance. The latter is essentially a manifestation of the development of intellectual entrepreneurship as a special form of realization of entrepreneurial activity, the basis of which is the integration of social and economic parameters of reproduction processes. The paper substantiates the necessity of studying the intellectual content business, presents a variety of approaches to its understanding, formulated features Intelligent Enterprise Institute, and its species identified. Presented by the author’s understanding of the intellectual content of entrepreneurship as the willingness of people to generate new knowledge and ignore alternative ways of solving problems, carrying out economic activities aimed at making profit.
Authors and Affiliations
Oksana Veretennykova, Sofia Gordienko
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