Continuing Education of Higher Education Professors: New Languages, New Practices, and New Challenges.
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 3
The text that we present intends to be a reflection, based on the literature adjusted to the theme, it is about the continuing formation of professors of higher education and the challenges that they have to face in a globalized society, infiltrated by neoliberal policies that also took over the educational world. We reflect upon the new languages imposed by the international regulatory agencies, in times of globalization, which have implications in education processes and conceptions about Education. We consider it important to suggest, from a set of authors, the overcoming of the monocultural teacher and the demand of a new teacher - multicultural -, capable of promoting interculturality in his pedagogical practice and research. To do that an articulation between research and pedagogical practice becomes vital. We went through some texts of Cortesão, Nóvoa, Sousa Santos and Walsh that with us reflected on the different themes approached. We consider that Freire's thinking, addressed at the end of the text, is in line with the perspectives of the authors previously mentioned. The text presented does not contemplate an empirical dimension, constituting a theoretical support for an ongoing field research work.
Authors and Affiliations
Sandra Gomes, Manuel Tavares
AdministraciónEducativa YSufundamentaciónepistemológica, Cantón Quevedo, Provincia De Los Ríos, Ecuador. Educational Administration and Its epistemological foundation, Quevedo, Province Los Ríos, Ecuador.
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