Contribution of chosen representatives of the accounting profession to the improvement of the organization of accountancy in inter-war Poland
Journal Title: Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości - Year 2012, Vol 2012, Issue 65
The article presents achievements of chosen representatives of the Polish accounting community of the period 1918–1939 – W. Baliński, T. Kotowicz and A. Tytz – in the field of implementing the principles of scientific management to improve the practice of accounting. The treatment of accounting at that time as a practical skill consisting of keeping business accounts, and organization of the accounting system had influence on the direction of its improvement. The improvement efforts were oriented to enhancing the timeliness and quality of information necessary for the fulfilment of the informational, controlling and reporting functions of accounting. Improvement of accounting practice at that time mainly consisted in mechanization – it was a manifestation of good organization of work. Mechanization replaced manual work with machines and resulted in significant acceleration of accounting activities. Mechanization involved not only on the introduction of machines, but also the application of manual instruments in the work of the accountant. The greatest contribution to the implementation of scientific organization of labour was made by A. Tytz.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Sobczak
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