Contribution of the Polish-German Mental Health Society to changes in Polish psychiatry

Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2014, Vol 48, Issue 2


The aim of this presentation is to give a profile of the history and work of the Polish- Ger - man Mental Health Society (PNTZP). Founded in 1990, the PNTZP’s supreme objective is to develop and reinforce partnership between Polish and German psychiatry on a range of levels. The methods it uses to further this aim include bilateral meetings, seminars, and annual symposia. In view of its historical roots, the PNTZP is constantly mindful of the excesses perpetrated on the mentally ill during the National Socialist period, and believes it has an obligation to promote a brand of psychiatry founded on the person, respect for human dignity, and the will and individuality of every man. For this reason, ethics are an essential element of discussion, including discussions with patients and their families. The society advocates the implementation of the National Programme of Mental Health Care and the development of community psychiatry in Poland. It supports the development of various structures for the treatment and assistance of people with mental illness, as well as scientific and academic reflection on the social and cultural implications of psychiatric thought and action. It is com - mitted to facilitating the exchange of experiences between different professional groups, patients, and their families in order to promote mutual inspiration and support in the challenging task of developing psychiatry. A record of these years of meetings may be found in the twenty issues of the periodical Dialog. This example of cooperation across official state borders may be held up as a benchmark for the development of European psychiatry, and the joint work and discussions may offer help and inspiration in day-to-day therapeutic practice. The PNTZP is open to new people and initiatives, and is always looking for people willing to get involved in its work.

Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Cichocki, Andrzej Cechnicki


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How To Cite

Łukasz Cichocki, Andrzej Cechnicki (2014). Contribution of the Polish-German Mental Health Society to changes in Polish psychiatry. Psychiatria Polska, 48(2), 395-400.