Cooperation and Contradiction in Motor Abilities Manifestation. Part I. Speed<br /> and Endurance

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2007, Vol 17, Issue 37


The positive influence of coordination motor abilities on sports results is extremely important in all sports disciplines. However experimental evidences concerning the physical fitness are somewhat different. Among people with high level of physical preparation some cases of contradiction between speed and endurance capabilities are observed. In children and people with mediocre physical fitness there is consistent and positive impact of motor abilities which are engaged in certain kind of movement. In common opinion such “motor conflicts” in top class athletes have their source in genetic determinations, particularly in proportions of two kinds of skeletal muscle fibers. Domination of fast-contracting fibers (FT) is conductive to higher speed and force-speed achievements, while majority of slow-contracting ones (ST) determines rather endurance predispositions.In literature one can find many different pieces of information concerning an extend of relationship or contradiction between speed and endurance. Most of them refers to different distance runs. In presented paper an attempt was made to describe some factors which influence the direction and power o connections which are conditioned by these abilities.Two samples were analyzed. First consisted in somatic data as well as results of 100 m and 1500 m runs of 100 world-top decathletes. Second including beside of somatic features the results of 20 m run and Cooper’s test of 287 students of University of Physical Education whose motor ability was established with the help of seven tests set. Statistical characteristics (mean values and correlation coefficients) were calculated in whole samples as well as in 10-persons subgroups differing from each other by sports results. The mean differences were normalized by standard deviations of whole sample. The run results and somatic data in two samples under consideration were presented in manner convenient for making the comparisons. Correlations in the whole sample of 100 decathletes as well as in first six ten-athletes subgroups show the phenomenon of functional antagonism. In student group the sign “–“ in correlation coefficient occurred only in the most physically fitted subgroup, which additionally was characterized by higher values of the body height and mass. The negative correlations are observed also in ten-decathletes subgroups who were the best in both runs. The same phenomenon was found in ten-persons student subgroups the best in 20 m run and in Cooper’s test. In subgroups of individuals with worse run results the positive sign of correlation shows, in contrary, the consistent cooperation of speed and endurance. The greatest differences of the body height were observed between decathletes who achieved the best results in sprinter run, but such differences of the body mass were found in students diverse to the most extent by Cooper’s test results.A possibility of occurrence of negative relationships between speed and endurance should be taken into account not only in sports training of highest level athletes but even in training of persons with worse physical fitness preparation.

Authors and Affiliations

Adam Haleczko, Leszek Korzewa, Ewa Misiołek, Urszula Włodarczyk


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How To Cite

Adam Haleczko, Leszek Korzewa, Ewa Misiołek, Urszula Włodarczyk (2007). Cooperation and Contradiction in Motor Abilities Manifestation. Part I. Speed<br /> and Endurance . Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 17(37), 75-82.