Cooperation as a basis for increasing the economic efficiency in protected cultivation of vegetables
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 8
The main task of the greenhouse economy is to provide the population with fresh vegetables in the winter season period. Therefore, the cultivation of vegetable crops in protected soil differs significantly from the cultivation of many other crops. The content of the protected soil is justified only under conditions of high-intensity production and the costs of creating and operating a capital greenhouse facility, material costs for their heat supply, electricity. Work in greenhouses is associated with increased need for skilled and auxiliary labour. The greenhouse production of Uzbekistan is mainly concentrated near large settlements. The industry allows you to receive from the sale of fresh vegetables at least 60% of cash proceeds, over 95% of the total profit of the economy, and the level of profitability from the sale products from year to year increased. The article draws attention to possible reserves of cost savings in the protected cultivation of vegetables.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Durmanov
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