Cooperation intensity of business tourism entities with specialist business services suppliers as an innovation factor of the sector
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie - Year 2014, Vol 24, Issue 2
The aim of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the intensity of cooperation of Krakow business tourism sector with providers of knowledge intensive business services (KIBS). Market entities while establishing cooperation relations create a “new knowledge” and share it between them afterwards what produces a valuable combination of old and new knowledge. This conjunction and diffusion of knowledge is a key factor of firms innovativeness and creativity: the storm of ideas may lead to an appearance of new, important solutions and decisions due to common work of the project team. In theoretical part of the paper a review of Polish and English literature concerning KIBS and their role in improving a competitive position of users is done. The empirical part is prepared on the basis of results of questionnaire surveys conducted between enterprises of business tourism sector in Krakow. Results reveal that firms from meeting sector actively cooperate with KIBS suppliers, nearly on each stage of any problem’s solving, especially in the domain of: advertising, accounting and tax advisory and IT. An identification of an increasing importance of cooperation in organization and management of events was an important conclusion.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Borodako, Jadwiga Berbeka, Michał Rudnicki
Uwarunkowania budowy autostrady Kraków-Tarnów
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